VOICES FROM THE FOREST: Community-driven strategies and actions for biocultural conservation

Event Start Date: February 22, 2022 1:00 PM
Event End Date: February 22, 2022 4:00 PM


VOICES FROM THE FOREST: Community-driven strategies and actions for biocultural conservation
February 22 and 24, 2022

The conference will center the voices of Indigenous and traditional populations from these areas, and will help to consolidate a shared Theory of Change for a collaborative strategy — among grassroots organizations, NGOs, UF and partner universities from the region — on how to achieve that goal consistent with the worldview, interests and capacities of those populations.

Tuesday, February 22: Challenges and Opportunities

Highlight Indigenous perspectives and inter-cultural dialogue

1 PM: Opening Welcome:  Challenge and Opportunity

  • Carlos de la Torre, Director, UF Center for Latin American Studies
  • Bette Loiselle, Director, UF Tropical Conservation and Development Program
  • Txai Suruí, Environmental activist, Paiter Suruí nation

1:30 PM: Conference Context: Where We Have Come From and Where We Are Going

Andrea Chavez, Associate Coordinator, UF Governance and Infrastructure in the Amazon program

1:40 PM: Panel 1: Current Challenges

Voices and statements from Ecuador, Colombia, Bolivia, Brazil, and Paraguay.

  • Ruth Alipaz Cuqui, Mancomunidad de Com. Indígenas de los Ríos Beni, Tuichi y Quiquibey, Bolivia
  • Vinicio Kar Atamaint Wamputsar, Federación Interprovincial de Centros Shuar FICSH, Ecuador
  • Lidia Ruiz Cuevas, Tierraviva a los Pueblos Indígenas del Chaco, Paraguay
  • Nilcélio Jiahui, Associação do Povo Jiahui (APIJ), Brazil
  • Waira Jacanamijoy, Asociación Tandachiridu Inganokuna, Colombia

2:20 PM: Keynote: The Living Amazon Vision as Articulated by the Science Panel for the Amazon

  • Ane Alencar, Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental da Amazônia/Lead author of the SPA


3:00 PM: Panel 2: Indigenous Perspectives on Inter-cultural Collaboration

Expectations and needs / vision for collaboration

  • Pí Suruí, Associação de Defesa Etnoambiental Kanindé,  Mídia India, e Movimento Juventude Indigena de Rondônia, Brazil
  • David Gonzalo Barba Vaca, Comité Defensor de la Vida Amazónica en la Cuenca Rio Madera, Bolivia
  • Thiago Castelano Parintintin, Organização Povo Indígena Parintintin do Amazonas (OPIPAM), Brazil
  • Flora Macas, Asociación Tandachiridu Inganokuna, Colombia
  • Lidia Antty Antty, Organización Comunal de la Mujer Amazónica, Bolivia

3:30 PM: Panel 3: Supporters’ Perspectives

3a) How would you advise the organizations gathered here to frame, articulate and present the vision explored here to be successful with the donor community?

  • Avecita Chicchón, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
  • Anthony Bebbington, Ford Foundation

3b) How do NGOs and academia see their institutional roles as supporters of this process?

  • Ivaneide Bandeira Cardozo, Associação de Defesa Etnoambiental Kanindé, Brazil
  • Joel Correia, UF
  • Ney José Brito Maciel, Instituto Internacional de Educação do Brasil, Brazil
  • Neiva Araújo, Federal University of Rondônia Law School (UNIR), Brazil
  • Equipo, ACT Colombia