Art of Sharing

LAS 4935
Section KS00, Class #28920
LAS 6938
Section KS20, Class #28921

Days: Tuesdays
Times: 1:55pm- 4:55pm
Location: Grinter 376

Course description

This course is about the act of sharing knowledge through art. We will ask ourselves how people have reproduced their cultures from generation to generation.

  • How do we teach our skills, our beliefs, our rituals, our pleasures, our fears?
  • How do individuals pass on these traits to younger generations?
  • What role does creativity play in this process?

Our group will investigate the history of Latin American art in the last two Centuries to discover how artists and intellectuals have developed methods to transmit cherished traditions and values but also to help people accept new ideas. 


Eduardo Abaroa
Fall 2024 Kislak Family Foundation Artist in Residence
Center for Latin American Studies
E-mail: TBA
Phone: TBA